
Can you find yourself in my colours?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Polona.

I believe I wanted to express myself in an artistic way since my childhood, and now I am doing it intensively already over 15 years. My life path led me to the engineering profession and later teaching, but I always found an opportunity to incorporate art – I specialized colorimetry in the field of Textile Technology, where I learned the theory of colorus and as a Manager of Adult Education I led creative international workshops. At home I created a creative environment for my children. I am continuously upgrading my knowledge on thematic workshops, participating on various art domestic competitions and international ones and visiting art exhibitions.

My painting becomes a story.

My favourite motifs have always been nature, landscape architecture, us – human beings,

but I am also inspired by music and literature. I especially love to write and illustrate poetry. I feel like my painting becomes a story. A few years ago, I published a children’s picture book, and currently I am also working on artistic interpretation of literary texts and journals. My work can be found in recognized publishing houses.

Art is beauty, a universal language that connects.

When I feel a certain theme, I give it a lot of time and attention to settle in and then the painting comes as a spontaneous process and nothing can distract it.

This is how I created all of my 25 solo exhibitions so far, which were beside the inspirational part also a quite big organizational task for me. And yet, there is always a motto that outweighs it all: The painting is meant for the viewer. Through the painting the artist establish a dialog. Art is beauty, a universal language that connects.

Recent selections:

2013 »Dobrodelna razstava “Naš svet je drugačen”« (Charity exhibition “A different world” ) State Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia

2014 »Državna tematska razstava “Parafraze”« (State exhibiton “Paraphrases”) Castle Brežice, Castle Snežnik, Slovenia

2014 »Mednarodna udeležba« (International participation) Josip Generalić Gallery, Hlebine, Croatia

2015 »Izbor ex-tempore 2000 let Emone« (Ex-tempore selection 2000 years of Emona), City gallery Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015 »Jubilejni 50. mednarodni ex-tempore Piran« (50th Jubilee International ex-tempore Piran), Slovenia

2015 »Mednarodni natečaj Založbe Fran« (Publisher Fran international contest) City gallery, Klagenfurt, Austria

Solo exhibitions:

2003 »Razstava slikanice “Velike punce”« (“Grown-up girls” picture book exhibition) Culture centre Šentjur, Slovenia

2004 »Portreti« (Portraits) Library Šentjur, Slovenia

2004 »Podobe otrok« (Children image) Project office »Celje – a healthy city«, Slovenia

2004 »Tihožitja« (Still lifes) Antika, Bookstore and antiques, Celje, Slovenia

2005 »Krajina« (Landscape) Etol, Škofja vas, Slovenia

2005 »Poletni motivi« (The themes of summer) Gallery Volk, Celje, Slovenia

2005 »Razstava akrilov in grafike« (Exhibition of acrylics and graphics) Špesov dom, Vojnik, Slovenia

2005 »Ples in glasba« (Dance and music), Celjan Editorial, Celje, Slovenia

2006 »Glasbeniki« (Musicians) Internet cafe Stane, Celje, Slovenia

2006 »Kozjansko« (Kozjansko region) Prevorje, Slovenia

2007 »Krajinska arhitektura« (Landscape architecture) Cinkarna Celje, Slovenia

2007 »Razstava akrilov« (The exhibition of acrylics) Dom za varstvo odraslih, Velenje, Slovenia

2007 »Kavarniški večeri« (Café evenings) Vransko, Slovenia

2008 »Glasba« (Music) Dom ob Savinji, Celje, Slovenia

2009 »Sporočilo s priponko« (Message with an attachment) Ana’s Gallery, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia

2009 »Razstava ob Dnevu Ljudske univerze Celje« (Exhibition for the Day of Adult University), Celje, Slovenia

2010 »Zelena nit«(Green thread) City Gallery Šoštanj, Slovenia

2011 »Razstava ob mednarodnem letu gozdov Celje« (Exhibition for the International Year of Forests) Celje, Slovenia

2012 »12. dimenzija« (12th dimension) Gallery Zgornji trg, Šentjur, Slovenia

2013 »Približana krajina« (Landscape approximation) Gallery of Ironworks Museum, Teharje, Slovenia

2014 »Po znanih poteh« (After the known paths) Library Šmarje pri Jelšah, Slovenia

2014 »Razstava ilustracij na temo etnologije« (Ethnology-themed illustration exhibition) Cultural house, Prevorje, Slovenia

2015 »Omejena razsežnost« (Finite extensions) Niko Gnjatič Gallery, Celje, Slovenia

2015 »Pomlad v kraju otroštva« (Spring in the homeland of childhood)  Kozje, Kozjanski national park, Slovenia

2015 »Variacije« (Variations) Ipavčev cultural center, Šentjur pri Celju, Slovenia

2016 »Nikoli samo črno-belo« (Never just black-white) Kult 3000, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2016 »Sredi cikla« (In the middle of the cycle) Gallery of Ironworks Museum, Teharje, Slovenia

2017 »Haiku projekt v likovni podobi« (Haiku project in paintings)  Literarno srečanje, Slovenia

2017 »Krajina v realizmu in abstrakciji« (Landscape in realism and abstract art) Turistično središče, Ponikva, Slovenia

2018 »Človeški faktor« (Human factor) Galerija Kvartirna hiša, Celje, Slovenia

2018 ” Most z zelenim čajem” (bridge with green tea), Poetry and art event with exhibition; Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia