International Literary and Artistic selection

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Last year, the publishing house Fran from Klagenfurt, Austria, had launched a competition titled “The colors of proximity” (in Slovenian “V barvah utripajo bližine”), the topic which I am very fond of. I found the inspiration in the nature that surrounds us and decided to send them my art work as well as my poem. I was really glad, when I was informed that both of my works were published!

For me, the art is the way of expressing myself, sometimes in the strokes of a brush and sometimes in the written words. Few years ago, I published a children’s picture book titled “Big Girls” (in Slovenian “Velike punce”). It was dedicated to my youngest daughter.

Whether it is my own poetry or the poetry of other poets, I always enjoy to illustrate the words and express them multidimensional to the reader.



We are well
with flowers of yellow.
Harmony is whole-
shades in the woods, sun in the meadows.
At the scene of morning tunes
and gossips in treetops of day.
We are well,
when the joy in green
turns to dusk.


(translated from Slovenian)